6 Tips on How to Set & Achieve Goals
To increase your sales, grow your business and be more profitable.
Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are over reality is probably setting in and you’re thinking about your goals, your New Year’s Resolution, and what you want to achieve this year. I’m going to share with you how to set goals properly so you can achieve them, get motivated, and make this your best year ever. If it’s a business goal, career goal, financial goal, or to lose weight these 6 tips will get you results.
If you have set goals in the past and didn’t achieve them you are not alone. Writing goals down is easy. Achieving them not so much. Stay tuned because in the next few minutes I’ll give 6 tips on how to achieve the goals you desire and the New Year’s Resolution you made.
Setting goals properly and achieving them requires a little more thought and planning than what most people give it. Regardless of your purpose on learning how to set goals, for some it’s creating a sales strategy, a profitable business, or to implement a growth strategy.
You may have heard that to achieve your goals, you need to write them down and take action. Yes, that is true, but if it’s not the right goal or the right action you’re setting yourself up for failure and won’t have the necessary motivation.
Set fewer and more meaningful goals
We have limited bandwidth and setting too many goals spreads your resources thin. Instead of having a long list of goals create a few meaningful goals. When creating your goals put them into three time buckets, short-range, mid-range and long-range. Your short-range goals should support your long-range goals. When you achieve your short-range goals, you are moving closer to your bigger goals.
Tap into your personal fuel to create an abundance of energy toward your goals
Here’s one of the biggest tips to achieving goals. You are unique and your goals are unique to you. It only makes sense to tap into your personal fuel, which is your personal passion and your strengths and apply that toward your goals. When you tap you’re your passion and strengths you not only create more energy and excitement toward your goals but it brings out more confidence, happiness and determination toward the goal. You’re less likely to burnout and abandon the goal prematurely right when you are about to get results. Many people give up on their goals just when they are at the peak of getting results.
Create an action plan that is in alignment with your goals and you will achieve the desired results.
Setting goals is one thing but if you are to get results you need to define what actions need to be taken to achieve the expected results. You’ve probably heard before “just take action”. Well, that doesn’t get you far if it’s not the right action. If you were to coach someone to become a professional athlete and you told them “just take action” what results do you expect to get? You most likely give them more specific coaching based upon knowing what sport they were in. You wouldn’t send someone to the soccer field to practice if they wanted to become an Olympic swimmer. Just taking action doesn’t always work. Make sure it’s the right action that supports your goals.
Review your goals and actions daily
Reviewing your goals and actions daily helps keep them top of mind and keep you focused on the most important and so you can move closer to your goal each day. In addition, while you are reviewing your goals it’s important to review your results and modify your action plan to make sure you are getting the most from your efforts. Each day you will learn something new as you move closer toward your goals, like a puzzle adding one puzzle piece at time and each puzzle piece you add the picture becomes more clear.
If you’re not getting results with consistent effort, then analyze your plan and modify it.
Take consistent action.
The #1 reason people don’t get results is they don’t take consistent action daily. You are either moving closer or further away from your goal. If you are not focused on the right actions and you get distracted by the less important activities you’re not moving closer to your goal.
Time, is your most valuable asset. Make the most of it each and every day and take consistent action to move you closer to your goal.
Focus on the most important
Here’s a key question to ask yourself every day, as you are reviewing your goals and actions, to bring focus to the most important activities. “What are the most important actions I need to get done today that will move me closer to achieving my goal?” The answer to your question is where you focus your attention, time and effort to move yourself closer to your goals.
Follow these tips every day and you will see results and move closer to your goals
Download my FREE Success Dashboard a tool to help you create and track goals, and turn your actions into consistent habits so you can achieve results to increase sales and grow your business. www.thefocusguy.com/success-dashboard
Make this your best year ever!
Mike Brenhaug
The Focus Guy
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